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We provide work opportunities, skills development, and employment services for people with barriers to employment.

We operate with open and honest communications, where both plans and results are shared, where commitment to continuous improvement encourages teamwork, innovation and shared excellence.

Includes a ½ hour unpaid lunch. In addition, a ½ hour of unpaid Skills to Pay the Bills training program

Students will be paid for 20 hours of work per week at $9.30/hour.

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Mon-Fri: 8am – 5:00pm

Counties served: Belmont, Marshall, Tyler, Wetzel


Mon-Fri: 8am – 5:00pm

Counties served: Fairfield


Sun-Sat: 8am – 10:00pm

Counties served: Washington, Noble, Morgan, Monroe, Ritchie, Doddridge, Wirt, Calhoun, Pleasants, and Gilmer


Mon-Fri: 8am – 4:30pm

Counties served: Coshocton, Guernsey, Perry, Muskingum


Location Position Uniform Number of Students Hours
Rural King
Stocking, watering plants Mask, tennis shoes, jeans 4 students Mon - Thurs
9am - 2:30pm
Things to Know
  1. Trainees will have the opportunity to work 20 hours a week at the training site of their choice.
  2. Trainees will be paid $9.30 an hour for the work they complete, each workday will consist of a 30-minute unpaid lunch break
  3. Trainees are asked to bring their own lunch each day and extra water for outdoor locations.
  4. Cell phones and additional electronic devices are asked to be kept out of site during working hours.
  5. Training sites are treated like employment. Trainees are expected to attend each scheduled day unless prior arrangements are made.
  6. We will be social distancing. Masks will be required to be worn, unless working outside and then special circumstances will be allotted.
  7. Transportation needs will be addressed so that each student can participate.