CARF Accredited

CARF Accreditation

Zanesville Welfare Organization and Goodwill Industries, Inc. is CARF accredited in the following areas:

Consumers face a variety of options when deciding what services to use and who should provide them. Accreditation is a sign of quality and is an important consideration in their decision making.

How is accreditation achieved?

Achieving accreditation requires a service provider to commit to quality improvement, focus on the unique needs of each person the provider serves, and monitor the results of services.


A service provider begins the accreditation process with an internal examination of its program and business practices.


Then the provider requests an on-site survey that will be conducted by a team of expert practitioners selected by CARF. During the survey, the provider must demonstrate that it conforms to a series of rigorous and internationally recognized CARF standards.


Based on the results of the survey, CARF prepares a written report of the provider’s strengths and areas for improvement. If a provider has sufficiently demonstrated its conformance to the
standards, it earns CARF accreditation.


After receiving the report, the provider must submit a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to CARF to show how it is addressing any areas for improvement.


Then, each year during the term of accreditation, the provider must submit a report to CARF documenting additional improvements it has made.

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